Cigarette Beetle

One of our clients found some small brown granules near the food storage shelf. He thought that they were just food crumbs. However, these granules appeared again the next day even after he cleaned up. He checked carefully and found they have legs and are moving!!

After he sprayed insecticide around the area the amount of insects declined. Yet, he kept seeing them at the same area every day. The client contacted us through the internet and send us photos of the insects. The “small brown granule insects” were identified as cigarette beetles. They mainly infest dried and processed food, e.g, cereal, pasta, grains, pet food etc. We asked client to check all his packaged dried food and discard any that he found to be infested. The client checked and said he found nothing.

Therefore, he scheduled us to carry out an inspection and conduct a pest control treatment. We checked all the packaged food and found that the cigarette beetles came from a package of Chinese Herbs. The client discarded it and we conducted treatment of the whole apartment.

Today, we receive the client’s compliments. He said that there were no more cigarette beetles. and he appreciated our thorough inspection and patience. Otherwise, it would have been extremely annoying for him to keep seeing these insects at the same location every day, without knowing where they came from.