Mr. Stuart Morton has a wide knowledge of insect pests with over twenty years’ experience in urban pest management. He has attended numerous courses and seminars in the United States as well as conducting research work with the New Orleans Mosquito & Termite Control Board, one of the key areas in the US where Formosan termites are present. Stuart is also a member of the Entomological Society of America (ESA).
At BioCycle® Stuart is The Company’s Entomologist, carrying out insect identification for BioCycle®’s clients and outside agencies, on-site investigations and site surveys for pest and other associated issues. His work also involves developing treatment techniques and control strategies as well as heading up research and development for all products and equipment used in service along with product registration and liaison with the relevant government departments. In 2016 Stuart along with BioCycle® completed production for the Architectural Services Department a booklet titled “Historic Buildings Termite Management”.