Our Blog

Flies and Their Larvae Can Cause Myiasis, Especially in Patients and Elderly

During the hot summer, flies become more active. Besides transmitting bacteria, flies can also lay eggs on humans and animals, particularly on patients and elderly individuals who are often bedridden, physically disabled, or lack self-care ability. This can lead to myiasis, a condition caused by

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Commonly overlooked hiding places for insects!!

If you frequently find insects in your home but have no idea where they are hiding, here are some commonly overlooked places where they may be hiding:1) Wooden floors or baseboardsAging wooden floors or baseboards may develop cracks or gaps, which can accumulate dust and food debris and become an

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Is the Summer Heat and Mosquitoes Keeping You Up at Night?

The hot weather already makes it difficult to fall asleep, but being constantly buzzed and bitten by mosquitoes at night can make it even worse. To effectively eliminate mosquitoes, you can:1) Remove stagnant water and reduce areas where mosquitoes can breed, such as air conditioner water trays and

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Annoying tiny black fly (Moth Fly) in bathroom

The Moth fly is one of the common fly problems found in the bathroom. Many clients have encountered them, including the client I met yesterday. Let me share his case and the problem he encountered. The client requested us to spray extra insecticide in the bathroom, because there were lots of tiny

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Don’t store carton boxes at home! Recycle ASAP!

Today I went to a Sheung Wan apartment to carry out pest control treatment. The helper told us that she recently saw cockroaches. When I walked into the living room, I found a lot of online shopping carton boxes. Some of them were open but the goods were still packed inside. I asked the helper

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Annoying Fruit Flies

A Client has been using BioKill insecticide for more than 10 years. Recently, she found many fruit flies. After spraying insecticide, there were many dead fruit flies. However, she kept seeing around five to six fruit flies flying around every day, which she found to be quite annoying. The client

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Loud Tick-tock sound

There was an interesting case while I conducted a termite check last month. I was responsible for checking every corner of the house, my partner was responsible for checking all the termite bait stations. While checking the study room the client told me “I always hear some loud tick-tock sound in

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German Cockroaches & Brown-banded Cockroaches

Today, I went to a Tung Chung apartment to carry out treatment for cockroaches. From our previous consultation with the client, we already knew that the flat has both German and Brown-banded cockroaches. After chatting with the client, I learned that she is busy at work, rarely does cleaning and

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Cigarette Beetle

One of our clients found some small brown granules near the food storage shelf. He thought that they were just food crumbs. However, these granules appeared again the next day even after he cleaned up. He checked carefully and found they have legs and are moving!! After he sprayed insecticide

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